Three different solutions / três soluções diferentes
Window drawings
Exploring and experimenting in the old TINCO paint factory in Baía do Tejo, Barreiro.
Improvising and making a loom from driftwood found at Praia Fluvial de Alburrica.
A little article written in Time Out magazine about my temporary installation Three different solutions in the Mercado Municipal 1.º de Maio. Click here to read the article.
Chalk drawing in Barreiro, Portugal
I was so happy to be invited to contribute a work of art for Tarimba Sessions # 02, which took place at GRAAL, Lisbon. Find out more about the amazing work Tarimba Coletivo are doing here.
This temporary chalk work was created from some recent drawings, developed through my engagement with technical and machine drawings found in the archive of the Museu Industrial da Baía do Tejo (Quimiparque) in Barreiro, Portugal.
Image credit : tarimba.coletivo
Read my interview with She Performs Curator Holly Daizy Broughton, where in which we discuss my most recent projects developed in Barreiro, Portugal.
I’m drawn to the idea that the viewers encounter with my work might be brief or fleeting. Through the use of an ephemeral material, the viewers experience is all the more transitory and unique, dependant on them being at that place in that time frame before the work disappears.
Installation of the work Partes da Terra / Ground Parts - Floor Work IIII at the Auditório Municipal Augusto Cabrita, Barreiro, Portugal.
Testing water on the floor of AMAC, observing how it moves upon and interacts with the surface, how it forms and interacts with the light of the building.
Installation of the ‘pool’ of water
Over the course of several weeks I continued to add to the ‘pool’ of water, layering pigment and water, allowing it to interact with itself, allowing the minerals to dry and change their form.
Partes da Terra / Ground Parts - Floor Work IIII. AMAC , Barreiro, Portugal, 2019.
Partes da Terra / Ground Parts - Floor Work IIII. AMAC , Barreiro, Portugal, 2019.
Partes da Terra / Ground Parts - Floor Work IIII. AMAC , Barreiro, Portugal, 2019.
20.11.2018 - 18.12.2018
Images from the Museu Industrial da Baía do Tejo (Quimiparque).
Parque Empresarial da Quimiparque, Barreiro, Portugal.
Found surfaces and interventions.
Wall intervention in the Parque Empresarial da Quimiparque, acrylic on found surface, 2018.
Wall intervention in the Parque Empresarial da Quimiparque, acrylic on found surface, 2018.
Experimentations and works in progress in the studio at PADA.
Floor works and images.
Watercolour on paper. 2018.
Partes da Terra / Ground Parts - Video Still. 2019.
Silicon, water and terrazzo floor tiles.
Silicon, water and terrazzo floor tiles.
I was delighted to be asked to speak about my most recent project Traces on Radio Cardiff’s Pitch Illustration Radio programme. I was joined by Head of Education at Ffotogallery, Lisa Edgar and the programme was hosted by James Cocks and Richard Huw Morgan.
I was asked some really thoughtful and insightful questions about my practice and we had some great discussions.
Listen to Pitch / Illustration / Radio 5th July 2018 by Pitch / Illustration / Radio for free. Follow Pitch / Illustration / Radio to never miss another show.
It was really wonderful to have a Painters’ Club Wales meeting at my Arcade Cardiff studio. I had the opportunity to talk about my practice and I was asked challenging and thoughtful questions about my work and process. I had a really great evening hearing more about all the exciting paint related activity happening in Wales. For more information about Painters’ Club Wales, visit the facebook page.
Selected highlights of my working process during my two week residency at Spit and Sawdust.
"Have you had ANY training for this?"
I had so much fun creating this site-specific live chalk drawing outside the entrance to Spit and Sawdust!
Drawing in Newcastle upon Tyne in 2013
In the early 1950s my grandfather came from the North East of England to South Wales to sell mining machinery, he worked for a Gateshead based company called Huwood. I came to South Wales from the North East for work in 2015, and I became interested in learning more about my grandfather’s time in Wales. As part of my research, I visited the South Wales Miners’ Library in Swansea and I uncovered some wonderful material relating to Huwood and my grandfather. The most exciting find was a catalogue advertising Huwood’s mining equipment, I’ve become more and more interested in the visual quality of these technical drawings.
© South Wales Miners’ Library
The catalogue containing information about Huwood’s mining equipment, from the South Wales Miners’ Library
I visited the site of the former Huwood factory in the Team Valley, Gateshead. There were only traces of the building left behind in wood, bricks and concrete, I traced the lines the had once marked out the walls that made up the rooms and the building exterior.
“The building was one of the first constructed when Team Valley was developed in the 1930s and for most of its life it was home to the Huwoods Mining Machinery Company.”
‘Flattening former Huwoods building will save £186,000’, The Journal, 2009
“The factory is constructed of 9in concrete walls built into a steel framework, the floor consists of reinforced concrete, 5in thick and overlaid with ½ in of granolithic surfacing. The roof, which is flat has a steel deck, tentest lining and a double layer of composition roof covering”
Colliery Managers’ visit to New “Huwood” Factory
July 1939
A brick from the former Huwood building in Cardiff, 2016