I visited the site of the former Huwood factory in the Team Valley, Gateshead. There were only traces of the building left behind in wood, bricks and concrete, I traced the lines the had once marked out the walls that made up the rooms and the building exterior.
“The building was one of the first constructed when Team Valley was developed in the 1930s and for most of its life it was home to the Huwoods Mining Machinery Company.”
‘Flattening former Huwoods building will save £186,000’, The Journal, 2009
“The factory is constructed of 9in concrete walls built into a steel framework, the floor consists of reinforced concrete, 5in thick and overlaid with ½ in of granolithic surfacing. The roof, which is flat has a steel deck, tentest lining and a double layer of composition roof covering”
Colliery Managers’ visit to New “Huwood” Factory
July 1939
A brick from the former Huwood building in Cardiff, 2016