SARAU with Tarimba
I was so happy to be invited to contribute a work of art for Tarimba Sessions # 02, which took place at GRAAL, Lisbon. Find out more about the amazing work Tarimba Coletivo are doing here.
This temporary chalk work was created from some recent drawings, developed through my engagement with technical and machine drawings found in the archive of the Museu Industrial da Baía do Tejo (Quimiparque) in Barreiro, Portugal.
Image credit : tarimba.coletivo
Interview with She Performs
Read my interview with She Performs Curator Holly Daizy Broughton, where in which we discuss my most recent projects developed in Barreiro, Portugal.
I’m drawn to the idea that the viewers encounter with my work might be brief or fleeting. Through the use of an ephemeral material, the viewers experience is all the more transitory and unique, dependant on them being at that place in that time frame before the work disappears.
Installation of Work - Capítulo I
Installation of the work Partes da Terra / Ground Parts - Floor Work IIII at the Auditório Municipal Augusto Cabrita, Barreiro, Portugal.
Testing water on the floor of AMAC, observing how it moves upon and interacts with the surface, how it forms and interacts with the light of the building.
Installation of the ‘pool’ of water
Over the course of several weeks I continued to add to the ‘pool’ of water, layering pigment and water, allowing it to interact with itself, allowing the minerals to dry and change their form.
Partes da Terra / Ground Parts - Floor Work IIII. AMAC , Barreiro, Portugal, 2019.
Partes da Terra / Ground Parts - Floor Work IIII. AMAC , Barreiro, Portugal, 2019.
Partes da Terra / Ground Parts - Floor Work IIII. AMAC , Barreiro, Portugal, 2019.
PADA Residency
20.11.2018 - 18.12.2018
Images from the Museu Industrial da Baía do Tejo (Quimiparque).
Parque Empresarial da Quimiparque, Barreiro, Portugal.
Found surfaces and interventions.
Wall intervention in the Parque Empresarial da Quimiparque, acrylic on found surface, 2018.
Wall intervention in the Parque Empresarial da Quimiparque, acrylic on found surface, 2018.
Experimentations and works in progress in the studio at PADA.
Floor works and images.
Watercolour on paper. 2018.
Partes da Terra / Ground Parts - Video Still. 2019.
Silicon, water and terrazzo floor tiles.
Silicon, water and terrazzo floor tiles.